
Why cyber security is important and how to get started

In today’s digitized society, cyber attacks are a growing threat to all businesses, regardless of size or industry. Failure to have adequate security measures in place can lead to serious consequences, including financial losses, damaged reputation, business disruptions and legal penalties. Cyber ​​security is something that the entire business needs to work on and includes both technical and human factors. Therefore, it is important that cyber security is prioritized at management level in order to have a good effect throughout the entire business.

Benefits of investing in cyber security:

  • Protect your business from cyber attacks
  • Reduce the risk of financial loss, reputational damage and business disruption
  • Build trust with customers and partners

If you do not work with cyber security today, a good first step is to carry out a needs analysis, it is also something that you can get help with through the Sweden Secure Tech Hub. Other important aspects that are good first steps are listed below:

  1. Risk Assessment: Identify and analyze critical assets and potential threats. Which parts of you are most critical to fix?
  2. Security updates: Install updates immediately to reduce vulnerabilities. Do you build your own software solution? Make sure to build safely from the start, it saves both money and time in the long term.
  3. Strong authentication: Use multi-factor authentication and strictly manage permissions. Use secure passwords, do not use the same password in several places and change these at regular intervals.
  4. Employee training: Educate all employees regularly about cyber security and behaviors that may pose a risk.
  5. Monitoring: Implement monitoring tools and have an incident management plan. Do you have a backup?

Prioritize but make sure to get started with your work. Anyone can suffer a cyber attack, be prepared.

Sweden Secure Tech Hub is a national innovation hub for cyber security in a collaboration between six of Sweden’s leading science parks in technology and digitization. Sweden Secure Tech Hub helps small and medium-sized technology companies (SME/SMF) to create more secure digital products and solutions – starting already in the design and development phase. We offer a variety of resources and services, from inspiration and skills development to consulting support, needs analyses, training, testing opportunities, and help companies find financing for concrete development efforts. Much of what we offer is completely free for your business.

Follow our Linkedin page to receive tips and information about upcoming events or activities that may be of interest to you. https://www.linkedin.com/company/sweden-secure-tech-hub/?viewAsMember=true 

The Sweden Secure Tech Hub is part of the Sweden ICT ERUF project which is financed by:

Ways to find funding 

In each region, there are business development checks or equivalent business support for small and medium-sized companies. Here you will find more information:https://tillvaxtverket.se/tillvaxtverket/sokfinansiering/omvaraolikastod/foretagsstod/affarsutvecklingscheckar.6482.html

At Ymner.com you can search for different funding opportunities, you can also subscribe to their newsletter where you will receive tailored weekly updates on funding opportunities, their service is free of charge.https://www.ymner.com/sv/find-financing/grants?status=open&status=coming

Sweden Secure Tech Hub offers several services free of charge, contact the responsible project manager for more information on how we can help you? (Depends on who is sending this out) 

Do you want to read more about cyber security?

Below we have collected a number of actors who have good information.

MSB, The Swedish Agency for Community Protection and Preparedness. https://www.msb.se/sv/amnesomraden/informationsakerhet-cybersakerhet-och-sakra-kommunikationer/

National Cyber ​​Security Center. https://www.ncsc.se/

The security check. https://sakerhetskollen.se/it-sakerhet-foretag

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